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How to Budget Effectively

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Let’s face it, if budgeting classes were taught at school then most of our bank accounts would be looking a lot healthier. Budgeting is an important skill that will help ensure that you have enough money for everything you need and the things that are important to you. Also, budgeting lessons are absolutely necessary to prevent people from getting into debt in the future. No one likes talking about debt, it’s a depressing subject, to say the least. But discussions about debt and how to prevent it is crucial for an individuals financial well being. Teaching effective money management from a young age will help children understand money and give them confidence in their future finances. This knowledge will give children a good start to adult life and help them avoid any financial mistakes that can lead to lifelong money struggles.

Here is some help on how to budget

1. Top three strategies to budget effectively:

Do not buy things that you don’t need It’s easy to get caught up in the latest trends and buying designer brands to impress others. But ask yourself, do you really need these things? are you ever that impressed when you see someone dressed in all designer? trust us, no one really cares that much. And if they do, why do you care what they think? you shouldn’t seek the approval of others. Your opinion is the most important one. Also, don’t buy expensive things before your time. If you’re not earning much money yet, please don’t blow it on a Prada bag or Balenciaga. Living your life to impress others is a quick road to lose in life – impress yourself first.

2. Save save save

It’s crucial to set up a savings plan when you’re budgeting. Saving is important for so many reasons! We can all agree that living paycheck to paycheck is a dangerous game. You never know when you’re going to need extra money for emergencies. If you have money saved you can protect yourself from financial stress in the future. You can never know what unexpected financial expenses might be thrown your way – a broken washing machine? medical bill? make sure you’re savings account is prepared. This will give you safety and security. Additionally, saving money can help you afford expensive purchases, a new tv, laptop, car etc. Make sure you have financial freedom and stay in control of your finances.

3. Be realistic

You’re probably not going to save 50% of your wages in the first month. Make small steps towards saving and be realistic with your goals. Make cuts where you can and even change lifestyle choices if needed. Do you really need the expensive brands or all foods that you buy? Making realistic goals will ensure you stay on track and don’t get disheartened if you don’t meet them. Maybe you’re saving to go travelling or for your first house deposit. Whatever you’re saving for write out the financial steps you need to take to get there. Also, setting realistic goals means that when you achieve them you’ll feel motivated to keep going.